they sold out quickly. funny about that.
we went from last weekend's heatstroke to this weekend's cold wave. the fire kept the dining room toasty all weekend, and it gave us a vibe of what winter will be like. lots of tourists were in town for the valentine's getaway weekends, so business picked up - finally. we sold out of pasta, soup and veggie burgers, all the comfort foods on the specials board.
with the rain drizzling and the fire crackling, it's a nice place to be, if I do say so myself. it's a comfortable and cozy room to lounge around, sipping coffee and reading the weekend papers. of all the various books, magazines etc piled on the coffee table next to the fire, the most popular and well-read - by a long shot - are the four collections of gary larson's the far side that I dug out. watching grown adults sniggering like schoolkids while reading them is always amusing.