a couple of veggie (and carnivores with good taste) faves on a lazy saturday morning:
scrambled free-range eggs with fresh chives and slow-roasted plum tomatoes on toast:

poached free-range eggs with sauteed field mushrooms on toast:
poached free-range eggs with sauteed field mushrooms on toast:
bluegrass fans, note next sunday, when the jimmy rush project hits our, well, it's not a stage, more of a carpet really. jimmy's bringing the a-team of australian bluegrass pickers with him. should be a dandy time.
they sold out quickly. funny about that.
we went from last weekend's heatstroke to this weekend's cold wave. the fire kept the dining room toasty all weekend, and it gave us a vibe of what winter will be like. lots of tourists were in town for the valentine's getaway weekends, so business picked up - finally. we sold out of pasta, soup and veggie burgers, all the comfort foods on the specials board.
with the rain drizzling and the fire crackling, it's a nice place to be, if I do say so myself. it's a comfortable and cozy room to lounge around, sipping coffee and reading the weekend papers. of all the various books, magazines etc piled on the coffee table next to the fire, the most popular and well-read - by a long shot - are the four collections of gary larson's the far side that I dug out. watching grown adults sniggering like schoolkids while reading them is always amusing.
come in and eat, before we both starve
in spite of the heat, there was a lot going on. in my other life as a musician, I debuted my new blues trio at the pub across the road on friday. after service saturday, we had a 40th birthday and a wedding down the road. sunday saw a few post-revelers drag themselves in for breakfast. I came up with an appropriate 'special' - chipolata sausages, bacon, eggs with a healthy dash of tabasco and chips with a paprika gravy.
I took a photo of one, but I can't bring myself to post it. let's just say, it appeared to have achieved its purpose. someone asked for a 'nice chicken salad with a wholegrain mustard dressing', so I threw this together on the fly:
the rocket was all I could get my hands on. my fruit & veg guy gave me the last fifteen batches they had. the hot weather in victoria killed off most of the usual supply of wild rocket, and next week, we expect banana prices to skyrocket in the wake of the north queensland floods.
it's a little cooler today, we're in the office stressing over bills and hoping that next weekend will pick up. it's amazing how much effect the weather can have on trade. at our last resto in sydney, we'd have forty or fifty covers on a typical friday night. but if it rained, we'd drop to four or five. they keep telling us that winter is the big season up here. let's hope we can hang in until then.
perhaps it was the heat, but our salads finally started selling. on the specials board we had a grilled chorizo salad with a house ranch dressing. I used local green beans and snow peas from a friend's garden. I'd love to source some more local produce, but it's finding the time to make the contacts that's always a challenge.
interesting quote on ruhlman's blog:
“It was clear that we had this incredible bounty around us, but we weren’t known for creating great stuff to eat. At the beginning of the 20th century, Iowa fed people. And here we are in the 21st century, and we’re feeding machines. It’s just a priori wrong. One of the things in the U.S. is we don’t have the thousands of years of tradition of making prosciutto — or of making anything. You see that the quality of the meat comes from the quality of life of the animal and the quality of the feed”